MHASUH Leadership:
Passionate about social benefit, Leigh Couture has more than 20 years of experience in roles across the community health and social services sectors. Leigh is the Executive Director of the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre, which provides accessible programs and social services across Western Ottawa. Leigh started her career in the Child Welfare system, transitioning to leadership roles in the Youth Justice and Children’s mental health sectors, including as the Joint Associate Executive Director at both Youturn Youth Support Services and the Roberts Smart Centre. Leigh was also the Director of Community Health Services at Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre. Passionate about equity, inclusion and feedback informed approaches, Leigh has achieved certification in Feedback informed treatment and enjoys collaborating with cross sectoral partners to develop innovative approaches to systemic challenges with the goal to support improved outcomes in the health and wellbeing of our most vulnerable community members. |
Joanne Grozelle began her career as an engineer with a focus on process improvements and efficiencies. She moved into sales, marketing, and business development upon completing her executive MBA with Queens. After 15 years, she left her career as an executive in the global nuclear health care industry to make a change in local healthcare. Joanne is a founder of a medical consulting company. She is also the managing partner of the Richmond Medical Clinic, where she has grown the centre; doubling the number of physicians and patient volumes. Her expertise in developing corporate strategy has successfully led transformation initiatives to accelerate business outcomes; her passion for patient care ensures a patient centred approach to every challenge. |
Donna Sarrazin is the Managing Partner at Recovery Care, a group of 5 medical clinics offering a patient-centered approach to substance use health in Ottawa and Cornwall. During her career, Donna moved from emergency department nursing to hospital administration and then into private business ownership. First as a private consultant, and now as an owner, Donna and her team focus on creating and operating holistic, multidisciplinary environments and programs, that aim to reduce stigma and improve patient outcomes. |
Areas of Focus: |
Lived Experience Survey Results: |
The MHASUH Action team currently has two areas of focus:
Need Help? MHASUH Resources: transformational regional coordinated access and navigation service. This bilingual service is designed to match kids, youth and families living in Eastern Ontario with the right mental health, substance use health, and addiction services, at the right time. An initiative of the Kids Come First Health Team brings together 33 local providers o child and youth mental health, substance use health and addiction services.
Phone: 613-260-2360 or 1-877-377-7775 Email: [email protected] |
AccessMHA is for anyone who is 16 years of age or older, living in eastern Ontario, and looking for mental health and/or substance use health/addictions services. If you need help and support, reach out and they will connect you to the service you need. Your healthcare provider (doctor or nurse practitioner) can refer you as well by visiting
Should you be in need of further resources, click the button below to view our crisis list.
Virtual services available in French:
"Is there anything you would like to tell us about your experience with mental health and substance use health services in your community?"